Browse Items
- 1 Corinthians
- A Chorus Line
- A sense of what is vital
- A Song of Living
- A.E. Hotchner
- Abe Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln
- absolute
- absolute judgment
- absolute purity
- abstraction
- action
- activity
- Acts of the Apostles
- actualization
- actualize
- actualized potential
- adultery
- adventure of the mind
- aestheticism
- affection
- Africa
- African Genesis
- aggression
- aging
- agony
- Ahab
- ahisma
- Albert Magnus
- Albert Schweitzer
- Alexander Pope
- aliveness
- aliveness of life
- All God's Children Got Shoes
- all-encompassing
- aloneness
- altar
- alternative
- America
- American Bible Society
- ancestors
- Andromeda
- angel
- angel allegory
- angel of agony
- angels
- Anglican Church
- ant
- Anthony
- anti-violence
- anti-war
- Antioch
- antique store
- anxiety
- apocalyptic vision
- Arctic Circle
- arrogance
- asceticism
- aspirations
- assurance
- Atlanta
- Atlantic Charter
- atomic bomb
- attachment
- Augustine
- authenticity
- authority
- autonomy
- Autumn
- avalanche
- awareness
- Back to Methuselah
- Badger Clark
- balance
- baptism
- Bardoli
- Bay State Road
- be still my soul
- bears
- beauty
- becoming
- bees
- beggars grass
- beginnings
- behavior
- behavior patters
- being seen
- belonging
- Bernard Shaw
- biblical interpretation
- bicycle
- biography
- biology
- birds
- birth
- Bishop Colenso
- Black Death
- black history
- blame
- blind puppy
- blue kitten
- body
- Boston University
- boundless
- Brahman
- breath
- Brethren of the Common Life
- Brooklyn
- brotherhood
- Browne Barr
- Buddha
- burden of obligation
- burn
- bushbacks
- Cabot
- Calcutta
- California
- calling
- Canada
- candidacy
- care
- Carl Jung
- Carmel Valley
- Carthage
- center
- center down
- center of being
- change
- chaos
- character
- Charles Badger Clark
- Charles River
- Chicago
- chicken hawk
- child
- child of God
- childhood
- children
- Children of God
- children's crumbs
- choice
- choir
- Christ
- Christianity
- Christmas
- christology
- church
- circle of meaning
- circumstances
- cities
- citizenship
- City of God
- Civil Rights Movement
- civil war
- cleric
- Clive Benson
- clouds
- clue
- Co-Laboring
- coding
- coffee
- cognitive dissonance
- Columbia
- commitment
- common experience
- common ground
- communication
- communion
- communism
- community
- companion
- completion
- comprehension
- compromise
- Concord Reformatory
- conditioning
- Confessions
- confidence
- conflict
- conformity
- Congo
- Conrad
- consciousness
- consent
- consequence
- constitution
- construct
- contagion
- contemplation
- contentment
- context
- contextuality
- contextuality personality
- continuity
- contradiction
- contradictions
- conversation
- conversion
- conviction
- core
- Cornell University
- cosmos
- courage
- creation
- creation narrative
- creative
- creative act
- creative encounter
- creative energy
- creative moment
- creativity
- creator
- creatureliness
- crisis
- crossroad
- crowds
- crown
- crucifixion
- culture
- curiosity
- current events
- curse
- cuttlefish
- Daniel
- darkness
- day view
- daydreaming
- De Profundis
- death
- debt
- deception
- decision
- decoration day
- dedication
- deep is the hunger
- Deep River
- Deep River My Home is Over Jordan
- defense of Christianity
- democracy
- democratic process
- demon possession
- denial
- dependability
- desert
- design
- desire
- despair
- destruction
- destructive courage
- detachment
- development
- developmental psychology
- devil
- Dhan Gopal Mukerji
- dichotomy
- dilemma
- Dillinger
- disaster
- discernment
- disciples
- discipline
- discipline of prayer
- Disciplines of the Spirit
- discovery
- disharmony
- disintegrate
- divan
- divinity
- division
- doctrine
- dog
- dogs
- Dominican
- donkey
- door boy
- doors
- Doug Steele
- dove
- Dream of Gerontius
- dualism
- duality
- dynamic
- dynamism
- Earth
- Easter
- ecclesiology
- ecology
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
- education
- egg
- ego
- eisegesis
- Elmer O'Brian
- embodiment
- Emerson
- empire
- encounter
- energy
- Enneads
- epistemology
- erosion
- eschatology
- essence
- essence of prayer
- Essenes
- essential fact
- ethics
- Eugene V. Debs
- event
- evil
- evilness
- evolution
- examine
- exclusiveness
- exegesis
- existentialism
- experience
- expression
- external world
- externality
- Ezekiel
- fact
- fact of life
- facts
- failure
- fairyland
- faith
- fall
- fall of humanity
- family
- family of God
- fate
- father's death
- Faust
- fear
- fears
- Feeding of the Five Thousand
- fellowship
- Fellowship Church
- fight or flight
- finality
- fishing
- flood
- flowers
- fluid area of consent
- fluid area of purpose
- fluid center
- fluidity
- forgiveness
- Fourth of July
- Francis De Sales
- Francis of Assisi
- Francis Thompson
- Frederick J. Moffitt
- free will
- freedom
- friendship
- From Man to Man
- frontier of freedom
- Fugitive Papers
- fulfillment
- furniture
- future
- Galilee
- Gandhi
- gate
- geese
- Geiger counter
- Genesis
- genuine
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Cross
- George Fox
- George Washington
- George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- germ
- German
- German reader
- Germantown
- Germany
- Ghandi
- ghost
- gifts
- giveness
- goal
- goals
- God
- God centered
- God residue
- God's family
- God's will
- Godhead
- Goethe
- Golden Rule
- Good and Evil
- Good Friday
- good works
- goodness
- Gore Place
- gorilla
- Gospel of John
- gospel reading
- government
- goya
- grace
- graciousness
- Grandmother
- gratitude
- Great Depression
- Great Hunger
- Great Plains
- Greek Philosophy
- ground
- ground of being
- ground of existence
- growing edge
- growth
- habit
- habits
- Halley's Comet
- Halley’s Comet
- Hand of God
- Hanukkah
- harmony
- Harvard
- Harvard Divinity School
- harvest
- Hate
- hatred
- Haveford College
- Head of Christ
- healer
- healing
- heart
- Hegel
- hell
- hemorrhage
- Henrich Hofmann
- Henry Van Dyke
- Here Us and Help
- Herman Hagedorn
- Herman Melville
- hermeneutic
- Herodians
- Hester Lecture
- Hinduism
- Hiram
- historical Jesus
- history
- Hitler
- holiday
- holidays
- holiness
- Holt Rinehart
- holy spirit
- Holy Week
- home
- hope
- horizon
- hosannas
- hound of heaven
- hound of hell
- Hounds of Hell
- Howard University
- Huckleberry Bush
- human spirit
- humility
- Hunchback of Notre Dame
- hunger
- hypocrisy
- Ibadan
- ideal
- ideals
- identity
- idiom of life
- idolatry
- illness
- illumined finger of God
- image
- imagination
- imago dei
- immunity
- importance
- in-breaking
- incarceration
- Incarnation
- inclusiveness
- inclusivism
- India
- individualism
- individuality
- infancy
- influence
- inner experience
- inner guidance
- inner life
- inner light
- inner quiet
- inner self
- inner unity
- inner-being
- innocence
- innocent
- insects
- integration
- integrity
- integrity of life
- intellect
- intention
- interconnectivity
- interelatedness
- interpersonal relationships
- interpretation
- intimacy
- intimate experience
- Introduction to the Decent Life
- introductions
- invention
- inward journey
- Isaiah
- Isolation
- Israel
- J Allen Boone
- Jacob
- Jacob Boehme
- James Cane Allen
- Jane Steger
- Jeremiah
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus ethic
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Jewish history
- Jews
- Jews and Rome
- Johan Bojer
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
- John Brown's Body
- John Donne
- John Drinkwater
- John Henry Newman
- John R. Mott
- John the Baptist
- John Wycliffe
- John's gospel
- Jordan River
- Jordan Valley
- Joseph
- journey
- Judaism
- Judas
- judgement
- justice
- Kabil
- Kabir
- Kansas
- karma
- kenosis
- Kentucky
- kill your savior
- kindness
- King Uzziah
- kingdom
- Kingdom of God
- Kinship With All Life
- knowing
- Kropotkin
- laboratory
- laborer
- lagoon
- Langston Hughes
- language
- Last Supper
- laughter
- Le Roy
- League of Women Voters
- learning
- leaves
- leaves from a secret journal
- legend
- legion
- lent
- Leo Tolstoy
- leprosy
- Letters of Old Age
- libertinism
- liberty
- life
- life feeding upon life
- light
- liminality
- limit
- limitations
- Lincoln Milton
- Lincoln University
- linguistics
- lions den
- litany
- literal reading
- Little Rock
- Lloyd George
- location
- logic
- logos theology
- loneliness
- longing
- Lord's Prayer
- lostness
- love
- Love Boat
- love ethic
- luck
- Luke 4:1-13
- lure
- Macbeth
- magic
- man
- Manichean Philosophy
- manifestation
- manifestations of life
- Margaret Rhodes
- marginalized
- marriage
- Marsh Chapel
- Marthan of Bethany
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- martyrdom
- materialism
- materiality
- Matthew
- Matthew 21:29-31
- Matthew 5
- Matthew Arnold
- maturity
- Max Herman
- meaning
- meaning making
- meaning of life
- meditation
- meditations of the heart
- Meister Eckhart
- membership
- memory
- mental illness
- Mercedes
- Mercy
- metaphysical purpose
- Milwaukee
- mind
- mind body
- minister
- ministry
- Minneapolis
- miracle
- miracles
- mission
- mission sharecroppers
- Mississippi
- Mississippi River
- Moby Dick
- modernity
- Moffatt
- moment of truth
- money
- monkeys
- mood
- moonlight
- mooring
- moral law
- moral quality
- moral structure
- morality
- Morehouse College
- mortician
- mortuary
- movement
- Mr. Conrad
- murder
- musk deer
- Muslim
- Mussolini
- My Brother's Face
- mysterium in society
- mystery
- mystic
- mystic experience
- mystical experience
- mystical union
- mysticism
- myth
- myths
- Naaman
- name
- Nancy Ambrose
- National Conference of Social Work
- National Geographic
- nationalities
- native place
- natural order
- natural religion
- nature
- Nature of God
- Nature of Mind
- nazareth
- Nebuchadnezzar
- need
- negative way
- Negro spiritual
- Negro Spirituals
- nerve center of consent
- nervous center
- New Haven
- New Jersey
- new life
- New Mexico
- New Orleans
- new start
- New Testament
- New Year
- New Years Day
- New York
- nibble
- Nigeria
- night view
- No Man is and Island
- Noah
- non-dual
- non-physical violence
- non-violent resistance
- nonviolence
- North Africa
- North Carolina
- nostalgia
- nucleus
- Oak Tree
- oasis
- ocean
- odyssey
- old glass
- Old Lady Wright
- Old Testament
- older sister
- Olive Schreiner
- On the Edge of the Primeval Forrest
- On the Rocks
- oneness
- ontology
- opener of the way
- opening
- oppression
- optimism
- option
- order
- organic
- organism
- origin
- original sin
- Oscar Wilde
- Oswald McCall
- Oswald W.S. McCall
- outer life
- ownership
- ox
- oyster bed
- pacing
- pagan
- painting
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Palm Sunday
- palms
- panentheism
- pantheism
- Papa Hemingway
- parable
- Parables
- Paradise Lost
- parthenon
- participation
- Passaic
- passkey
- Passover
- pathology
- patience
- pattern
- patterns
- Paul
- Pawling
- peace
- pearl
- pedantic
- Pelagius
- perfection
- permanence
- Persian War
- personal truth
- personalism
- personality
- Peruvian War
- pessimism
- Peter
- Peter Kropotkin
- Petrarch
- Pharisee
- Philadelphia
- Philippians
- Phillip
- philosophy
- philosophy of a fool
- physical violence
- pigeon
- pigs
- pilgrim's progress
- pilgrimage
- pills
- plague
- Plato
- Platonic doctrine
- Pliny the Elder
- Plotinus
- plurality
- plurality of truth
- poem
- poetry
- point of departure
- polar bear
- poor
- poorly dressed
- Pope Pius XII
- possibility
- potential
- potentiality
- power
- pragmatism
- praxis
- prayer
- preaching
- predestination
- preliminaries
- preparing
- presence
- present
- priest
- principle of automation
- prison
- prisoners
- private journey
- privilege
- process
- projection
- proof
- prophet
- prosperity
- protest
- Psalm 139
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 91
- psalmist
- Psalms
- psychiatrist
- psychoanalysis
- psychology
- public and private prayer
- purification
- purity
- purpose
- push
- Quakers
- quality
- quality of life
- quantity
- quest
- Quest for the Historical Jesus
- questions of the human spirit
- quiet
- race
- racial memory
- racial memory of the human
- rain
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- rattlesnake
- raw material
- raw materials
- re-ordering
- reaction
- reading
- reality
- realization
- rebirth
- recall
- recollection
- reconciliation
- redemption
- reflection
- reflections
- refuge
- Reinhold Neibuhr
- Relatedness
- relationality
- relationship
- religion
- religion of Jesus
- religious authority
- religious experience
- religious faith
- religious leadership
- religious living
- religious man
- religious professional
- remnant
- reorder
- repent
- repentance
- requitment
- residue
- resistance
- responsibility
- rest
- restoration
- restraint
- revelation
- reverence
- Revised Standard Version
- rhythm
- Ringling Brothers
- risk
- river
- Rivers
- Robert Ardrey
- Robin
- Robinson Jeffers
- rock
- Rock Street Cemetery
- Roman dogs
- Roman Empire
- Rome
- room with no doors
- root
- roses
- Rufus Jones
- Russell Gordon Smith
- Russia
- sabbath
- sacrament
- sacred
- sacrifice
- Sahara Desert
- Saint Paul
- salvation
- Sam Williams
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Seminary
- sanctification
- Sargasso Sea
- Saskatchewan
- Satan
- satisfaction
- satyagraha
- Saul Solomon Thurman
- savior
- scent
- scent on one's trail
- scientific process
- scientific theory
- sculptor
- sea
- search
- seasons
- secret
- secular
- security
- seedbed
- seeing
- seeking
- self
- self-actualization
- self-awareness
- self-consciousness
- self-control
- self-deception
- self-image
- self-respect
- self-worth
- selfhood
- seminar
- seminary
- sentimentality
- Sepphoris
- seraphim
- sermon
- shedding
- sheep without a shepherd
- Shekhinah
- siege
- sight
- silence
- silent
- silent worship
- simplicity
- sing your own song
- singing
- Sioux Indians
- skywriters
- slave
- slave history
- slave meeting
- slave ship Jesus
- slavery
- smallpox
- smell
- snakes
- social change
- society
- Society of Friends
- sociologist
- Socrates
- solidarity
- solitary
- solitude
- song
- sorrow songs
- soul
- sound of the genuine
- source
- South Africa
- South Dakota
- sovereignty
- Soviet Union
- sower
- space binder
- sparrow
- speech
- sphinx
- spiral
- spirit
- Spirit of Love
- Spirit of Man
- spiritual authenticity
- spiritual consumer
- spiritual energy
- spiritual exercise
- spiritual intimacies
- spiritual journey
- spiritual values
- spirituals
- spring
- St Gauden
- St. Francis
- St. Joseph Abbey
- stability
- state
- Stephen Benet
- Stephen Hawking
- stereotypes
- storm
- storm path
- storms
- story
- strength
- Strongheart
- structure of dependability
- struggle
- subjectivity
- substance
- Sue Bailey Thurman
- suffering
- sugarplum
- sunday school
- Surrender
- swamp
- swine
- symbol
- symbolism
- symposium of the soul
- synagogue
- synchronicity
- synchronization
- synoptic gospels
- synthesis
- T.R. Glover
- Tagores University
- tape recorder
- teacher
- teachers
- teaching
- Telemachus
- temporality
- temptation
- temptation of Jesus
- Temptations of Christ
- tempter
- Tennyson
- tension
- tent of clues
- tentacles of time
- test
- testimony
- textile strike
- thanksgiving
- The Brothers
- The Brothers of Karamazov
- The Centurion
- The Choir Invisible
- the great decision
- The Inward Journey
- The Mystic Will
- The Negro Speaks of Rivers
- The Phoenician Woman
- the priestly role
- the real
- The Rich Young Ruler
- theodicy
- There is a Balm in Gilead
- thirsty
- Thomas a Kempis
- Thomas More
- Thurman's aunts
- Thus a Child Learns
- time
- time binder
- time bound
- Timothy Leary
- tobacco
- Tolle Legge
- Tolstoy
- tomorrow
- tone
- Toronto
- totality of experience
- tradition
- traffic
- traitor
- tranquility
- transcendence
- transcendent reality
- transformation
- transition
- trauma
- treasures in heaven
- tree
- tremble
- Triumphant Entry
- true
- trust
- truth
- truth within me
- turbulence
- turning
- twilight
- Tycho Brahe
- ultimate
- ultimate judgment
- ultimate truth
- Ulysses
- unclean spirit
- understanding
- Union Theological Seminary
- United States
- unity
- universal
- universal form
- universal truth
- universalism
- universe
- unknowingness
- unrest
- untouchable
- urge of life
- urgency
- utopia
- vacuums
- validation
- value
- values
- Varieties of Mystic Religion
- vessel
- veto
- Vicksburg
- Victor Hugo
- violence
- Virginia
- vision
- vital energy
- vitality
- vocation
- voice
- voice of the genuine
- voting
- vulgarity
- vulnerability
- waiting
- walk in the traffic of the world
- war
- warthogs
- watch
- weariness
- Weinel
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
- Western Civilization
- wholeness
- wider ministry
- Widgery
- wilderness
- will
- will of God
- William Blake
- William James
- wind
- winter
- wisdom
- withdraw
- witness
- womb
- woodpecker
- Woodworth
- words
- working paper
- world religions
- World Student Volunteer Movement
- World War I
- World War II
- worth
- Yale Divinity School
- year
- yes be yes
- youth
- Zealots
- Zulu