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- Tags: Harvard
Quality of Life (1960-10-07); Religion and Life (1964-04-03)
In this…
Tags: bears, Cabot, Christmas, decision, ecclesiology, God, Harvard, heart, interconnectivity, Letters of Old Age, limitations, love, Max Herman, meditations of the heart, National Conference of Social Work, need, Paul, Petrarch, poem, quality, quality of life, quantity, religion, responsibility, testimony, Tycho Brahe, voice of the genuine, witness
Psychology and Religion (1963-10-25); Qualitative Living (1960-10-07)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Thurman reflects upon the way in which American culture makes…
Tags: bears, behavior, Cabot, candidacy, character, Christmas, circumstances, consciousness, discipline, God, Harvard, heart, longing, love, martyrdom, meditations of the heart, National Conference of Social Work, need, psychology, quality, quality of life, quantity, responsibility, self-actualization, truth, Tycho Brahe
On Mysticism, Part 6 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, awareness, Brethren of the Common Life, center of being, comprehension, Concord Reformatory, consciousness, contemplation, contextuality, dilemma, dualism, ego, externality, good works, ground, Harvard, Hounds of Hell, identity, Incarnation, integrity, interconnectivity, intimate experience, Jesus, LSD, modernity, moral quality, mysticism, nibble, pragmatism, praxis, presence, proof, religious experience, seeing, seeking, Timothy Leary, truth, vulnerability, watch, William James