Browse Items (5 total)
- Tags: decision
The Moment of Truth (1963-04-19); Pearl without Price (1971-12-4)
Intentional Living (1961-06-23); Man's Relation to Social Order (1963-10-04)
Quality of Life (1960-10-07); Religion and Life (1964-04-03)
In this…
Tags: bears, Cabot, Christmas, decision, ecclesiology, God, Harvard, heart, interconnectivity, Letters of Old Age, limitations, love, Max Herman, meditations of the heart, National Conference of Social Work, need, Paul, Petrarch, poem, quality, quality of life, quantity, religion, responsibility, testimony, Tycho Brahe, voice of the genuine, witness
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 7 and 8, Side B
Tags: autonomy, awareness, blame, center, consciousness, consent, creative encounter, decision, ecology, education, fate, freedom, grace, hope, Hunchback of Notre Dame, hunger, integrity, Jesus Christ, judgement, karma, kill your savior, older sister, original sin, predestination, quest, religious experience, responsibility, river, Robin, savior, scent, sentimentality, sing your own song, spring, time bound, veto, Victor Hugo, vitality, vulnerability, world religions
The Moment of Truth, Part 1, 1958 January 12
Tags: conviction, decision, revelation