Browse Items (17 total)
- Tags: responsibility
The Moment of Truth (1963-04-19); Pearl without Price (1971-12-4)
Boundaries of the Self (1961-11-24); Confidence in God (1958-06-13)
"How Precious Are Thy Thoughts..." (1961-01-13); Try Me and Know My Thoughts (1961-03-17)
Tags: action, birth, Conrad, ecology, egg, experience, fact of life, Faust, freedom, germ, imagination, interconnectivity, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, judgement, memory, mind, myth, new life, Psalm 139, psychiatrist, reaction, responsibility, salvation, Tennyson, Ulysses, wind
Intentional Living (1961-06-23); Man's Relation to Social Order (1963-10-04)
Quality of Life (1960-10-07); Religion and Life (1964-04-03)
In this…
Tags: bears, Cabot, Christmas, decision, ecclesiology, God, Harvard, heart, interconnectivity, Letters of Old Age, limitations, love, Max Herman, meditations of the heart, National Conference of Social Work, need, Paul, Petrarch, poem, quality, quality of life, quantity, religion, responsibility, testimony, Tycho Brahe, voice of the genuine, witness
Psychology and Religion (1963-10-25); Qualitative Living (1960-10-07)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Thurman reflects upon the way in which American culture makes…
Tags: bears, behavior, Cabot, candidacy, character, Christmas, circumstances, consciousness, discipline, God, Harvard, heart, longing, love, martyrdom, meditations of the heart, National Conference of Social Work, need, psychology, quality, quality of life, quantity, responsibility, self-actualization, truth, Tycho Brahe
The Intentional Life (1962-05-18); Life is a River (1961-03-24)
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, agony, Augustine, Congo, contemplation, death, design, essence, experience, flood, goal, goals, integrity, inward journey, journey, Langston Hughes, life, meaning of life, Mississippi River, New Orleans, order, pattern, pilgrim's progress, responsibility, Rivers, soul, storm, tension, Thomas a Kempis, turbulence
The Child and Religious Meaning (1964-01-24); Our Children Are Not Our Things (1963-11-01)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman utilizes Frederick J. Moffitt's "Thus A Child Learns," as a point of departure for his liturgy for the devotion of a child. Thurman notes that it is the "birthright" of every child to be given the tools "define for them what it is that they are seeking and where they may find it."
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects from his text, "Meditations of the Heart," to "think about children and our…
Tags: behavior, belonging, children, community, creativity, curiosity, dedication, dependability, development, developmental psychology, divan, experience, faith, family, Frederick J. Moffitt, furniture, genuine, goodness, habits, home, imagination, influence, intention, learning, life, love, meditations of the heart, moonlight, prayer, relationship, responsibility, self-control, teaching, Thus a Child Learns, tone, tradition, vitality
Salute to the New Year (1962-01-05); The Strength to be Free (1960-07-01)
In this recording within the…
Tags: angels, beginnings, birds, change, child, completion, conformity, death, Fourth of July, freedom, friendship, future, God, gratitude, holiday, innocent, life, maturity, movement, new start, New Years Day, organism, re-ordering, responsibility, seasons, soul, strength, time, tomorrow, understanding, unity, wisdom
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 9 and 10, Side B
Tags: Atlanta, burden of obligation, church, debt, developmental psychology, dichotomy, doors, ego, experience, German reader, gratitude, ground of being, idiom of life, imagination, Incarnation, India, Jesus, Kropotkin, Lord's Prayer, Nancy Ambrose, Old Lady Wright, personality, pilgrimage, plurality of truth, prayer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, relationship, responsibility, seminary, singing, spiritual journey, tent of clues