Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: solitude
Life Under the Scrutiny of God (1963-01-04); Order in the Totality of Life (1962-05-25)
Tags: aging, anxiety, darkness, dependability, dynamism, embodiment, event, friendship, harmony, illness, integration, inward journey, life, light, magic, meaning, meditations of the heart, order, psalmist, quiet, rebirth, reconciliation, relationship, restoration, Russia, solitude, tension, United States, urgency, vitality, wisdom, year
Thanksgiving and the Nature of Life (1963-11-22); Waiting Creatively (1959-06-12)
In this recording within…
Our Little Lives, Our Big Problems (1963-01-25); Periodic Rest (1963-03-22)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reads from his text, "Meditations of the Heart," working with the tension between factuality and intention. In this tension, one must accept their "self-fact" in order to navigate a faithful deed or image.
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reads from his text, "The Inward Journey," reflecting upon the significance of rest and restoration. He uses philosophical and ecological imagery to portray the…
If I Ascend up into Heaven (1961-01-06)
Tags: eschatology, heart, Isolation, Psalm 139, responsibility, salvation, solitude
On Mysticism, Part 16 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, adventure of the mind, Albert Magnus, aliveness, ant, Augustine, biology, Carl Jung, contemplation, creation, ecology, embodiment, experience, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Great Plains, identity, journey, kenosis, love, manifestation, Meister Eckhart, Morehouse College, negative way, philosophy, Plotinus, reality, revelation, sanctification, self-awareness, solitude, soul, source, the real, transformation, universal form
On Mysticism, Part 11 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, baptism, biblical interpretation, center, Charles Badger Clark, civil war, dove, Hunchback of Notre Dame, importance, Jesus, journey, Leo Tolstoy, mission, mystery, mysticism, natural order, nucleus, personal truth, pragmatism, religious experience, responsibility, Satan, solitude, structure of dependability, struggle, subjectivity, temptation of Jesus, truth, value, Vicksburg, Victor Hugo, vision, withdraw