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The Blind Man (1958-10-03); Heaven, Heaven (1958-11-21)
In this recording within the We Believe Series, Thurman reflects upon the spiritual, "The Blind Man Sat By the Way," which he calls a "sorrow song." When holding this song in tension with the biblical narrative of Jesus healing the blind man, Thurman comes to the conclusion that the blind man in the sorrow song was never healed. Drawing from the experience of people who were enslaved in America, Thurman reveals that there is no mentioning of the blind man being healed in the song because there…
Balm in Gilead, Part 1 (1958-10-10); Balm in Gilead, Part 2 (1958-10-17)
In this recording within the We Believe series, Howard Thurman reflects upon the negro spiritual, "There is a Balm in Gilead." Rather than echoing the moan of the prophet Jeremiah, this song provides an answer to the prophet's cries. Rather than asking," Is there a balm in Gilead," Thurman notes that the early singers of this spiritual are affirming that there is indeed a balm in Gilead. From Thurman's perspective, this balm is the moral law which rests within all of humanity. Moral law is the…
Resistance to the Social Order (1962-04-20); Self Realization and Acceptance (1963-11-08)
In this recording within the We Believe series; Howard Thurman reflects upon Olive Schreiner's "From Man to Man," and his time spent with Gandhi. Each of these reflections speak to Thurman's conception of truth, namely, what happens when one is forced to reject truth. For Thurman, justice, resistance, prosperity, etc. all find themselves hubbed in a longing for the truth to be manifested.
In this recording within the We Believe series; Howard Thurman reads and reflects from his work, "The…
In this recording within the We Believe series; Howard Thurman reads and reflects from his work, "The…
Tags: Bardoli, death, development, From Man to Man, Gandhi, George Cross, heart, Hinduism, inclusivism, India, individuality, Isolation, justice, life, mysticism, odyssey, Olive Schreiner, oppression, personalism, prayer, process, prosperity, protest, reality, resistance, satyagraha, spirituals, Telemachus, The Inward Journey, truth, universalism, Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Deep River, My Home is Over Jordan (1958-01-31)
In this recording within the We Believe Series, Thurman places the Negro Spiritual "Deep is the River, My Home is Over Jordan," and Langston Hughes' "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" in conversation with one another. He likens the life of a river to the movement of human existence: the river begins as a mere stream, then becomes a river wearing down the riverbanks, then disperses itself into a wider ocean. As the river shifts and bends, Thurman claims, the human life also bends and shifts,…
Deep River; Nature of Life (1958-09-26)
In this recording within the We Believe Series, Thurman reflects upon the "sorrow songs" of those who were enslaved in America. His remarks speak specifically to the songs that reflect upon the self in relation to a river, such as, "My soul has gone deep like the rivers." The voices of these singers relate their lives to that of a river from a place of deep experientiality. Thurman continues, by relating the unfolding of life to that of a river: a simplistic origin which grows into a complex…