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- Tags: Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer (9), 1962 Jan 14
Tags: Africa, Albert Schweitzer, Anglican Church, avalanche, Bishop Colenso, bushbacks, Christianity, cognitive dissonance, contextuality, creativity, current events, ecology, experience, incarceration, Jesus, kenosis, life, meditation, monkeys, murder, Olive Schreiner, On the Edge of the Primeval Forrest, ox, Pakistan, reverence, smallpox, the great decision, tobacco, vitality, William Blake, Zulu
Jesus and the Disinherited, Part 1, January 11, 1959
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 1 and 2, Side B
Tags: Albert Schweitzer, Brooklyn, calling, conversation, Cornell University, creative encounter, doctrine, dynamism, historical Jesus, John R. Mott, journey, life feeding upon life, light, meaning making, meaning of life, meditation, Meister Eckhart, mind, mysticism, Oak Tree, oyster bed, Quakers, religious experience, Rufus Jones, San Francisco, swamp, tape recorder
On Mysticism, Part 9 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: absolute, Albert Schweitzer, Back to Methuselah, Bernard Shaw, center, center of being, christology, clue, conditioning, Daniel, divinity, DNA, Dream of Gerontius, essence of prayer, experience, inner quiet, Isaiah, Jesus, John Henry Newman, John the Baptist, Jordan River, King Uzziah, language, lions den, meditation, nature, nervous center, Noah, nucleus, opening, organic, possibility, Psalm 139, psychology, Quakers, Quest for the Historical Jesus, scientific process, sunday school, transcendence, voice, Weinel, Widgery