Browse Items (36 total)
- Time Period is exactly "1970s"
On Mysticism, Part 11 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, baptism, biblical interpretation, center, Charles Badger Clark, civil war, dove, Hunchback of Notre Dame, importance, Jesus, journey, Leo Tolstoy, mission, mystery, mysticism, natural order, nucleus, personal truth, pragmatism, religious experience, responsibility, Satan, solitude, structure of dependability, struggle, subjectivity, temptation of Jesus, truth, value, Vicksburg, Victor Hugo, vision, withdraw
On Mysticism, Part 12 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: baptism, calling, christology, contemplation, creative energy, gifts, goya, Head of Christ, healer, healing, Henrich Hofmann, historical Jesus, imago dei, inner experience, interelatedness, Jesus, magic, Margaret Rhodes, Minneapolis, mystic experience, Palestine, Platonic doctrine, power, principle of automation, self-awareness, social change, Stephen Hawking, symbolism, symposium of the soul, wilderness, woodpecker, working paper
On Mysticism, Part 13 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: adultery, Brahman, Buddha, community, conversion, Essenes, experience, Greek Philosophy, Herodians, Hinduism, holiness, Incarnation, legion, Meister Eckhart, membership, miracle, nucleus, Oscar Wilde, Pharisee, Plotinus, private journey, purity, religious experience, river, Roman dogs, Rome, Socrates, soul, spiritual energy, suffering
On Mysticism, Part 16 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, adventure of the mind, Albert Magnus, aliveness, ant, Augustine, biology, Carl Jung, contemplation, creation, ecology, embodiment, experience, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Great Plains, identity, journey, kenosis, love, manifestation, Meister Eckhart, Morehouse College, negative way, philosophy, Plotinus, reality, revelation, sanctification, self-awareness, solitude, soul, source, the real, transformation, universal form
The Sound of the Genuine (meditation/sermon) (First Congregational Church San Francisco), 1977 May 1
The Search for Meaning (I), 1975 November 2
Tags: duality, meaning, synoptic gospels
The Search for Meaning in the Experience of the Self (II), 1975 November 3
Tags: awareness, meaning, synoptic gospels, values
The Search for Meaning in the Experience of Freedom (III), 1975 November 4
The Search for Meaning in the Experience of Love (IV), 1975 November 5
Tags: experience, forgiveness, love, worth
The Search for Meaning in the Experience of Love (IV) (continued), 1975 November 5
Tags: experience, love, refuge