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- Tags: Hunchback of Notre Dame
On Mysticism, Part 11 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, baptism, biblical interpretation, center, Charles Badger Clark, civil war, dove, Hunchback of Notre Dame, importance, Jesus, journey, Leo Tolstoy, mission, mystery, mysticism, natural order, nucleus, personal truth, pragmatism, religious experience, responsibility, Satan, solitude, structure of dependability, struggle, subjectivity, temptation of Jesus, truth, value, Vicksburg, Victor Hugo, vision, withdraw
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 7 and 8, Side B
Tags: autonomy, awareness, blame, center, consciousness, consent, creative encounter, decision, ecology, education, fate, freedom, grace, hope, Hunchback of Notre Dame, hunger, integrity, Jesus Christ, judgement, karma, kill your savior, older sister, original sin, predestination, quest, religious experience, responsibility, river, Robin, savior, scent, sentimentality, sing your own song, spring, time bound, veto, Victor Hugo, vitality, vulnerability, world religions