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- Tags: Augustine
On Mysticism, Part 16 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: actualization, adventure of the mind, Albert Magnus, aliveness, ant, Augustine, biology, Carl Jung, contemplation, creation, ecology, embodiment, experience, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Great Plains, identity, journey, kenosis, love, manifestation, Meister Eckhart, Morehouse College, negative way, philosophy, Plotinus, reality, revelation, sanctification, self-awareness, solitude, soul, source, the real, transformation, universal form
St. Augustine, part 1 (7); St. Augustine, part 2 (8), 1961 Dec 3, 10, Side B
Tags: Anthony, Augustine, burn, church, City of God, Confessions, conversion, creation narrative, creativity, discipline, empire, evil, experience, fall of humanity, free will, grace, Incarnation, intention, mind, original sin, Pelagius, realization, rebirth, redemption, religious experience, reorder, salvation, Tolle Legge, tremble
The Intentional Life (1962-05-18); Life is a River (1961-03-24)
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, agony, Augustine, Congo, contemplation, death, design, essence, experience, flood, goal, goals, integrity, inward journey, journey, Langston Hughes, life, meaning of life, Mississippi River, New Orleans, order, pattern, pilgrim's progress, responsibility, Rivers, soul, storm, tension, Thomas a Kempis, turbulence