Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: relationship
"My Need — Your Need" (1958-03-14)
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 9 and 10, Side B
Tags: Atlanta, burden of obligation, church, debt, developmental psychology, dichotomy, doors, ego, experience, German reader, gratitude, ground of being, idiom of life, imagination, Incarnation, India, Jesus, Kropotkin, Lord's Prayer, Nancy Ambrose, Old Lady Wright, personality, pilgrimage, plurality of truth, prayer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, relationship, responsibility, seminary, singing, spiritual journey, tent of clues
The Child and Religious Meaning (1964-01-24); Our Children Are Not Our Things (1963-11-01)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman utilizes Frederick J. Moffitt's "Thus A Child Learns," as a point of departure for his liturgy for the devotion of a child. Thurman notes that it is the "birthright" of every child to be given the tools "define for them what it is that they are seeking and where they may find it."
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects from his text, "Meditations of the Heart," to "think about children and our…
Tags: behavior, belonging, children, community, creativity, curiosity, dedication, dependability, development, developmental psychology, divan, experience, faith, family, Frederick J. Moffitt, furniture, genuine, goodness, habits, home, imagination, influence, intention, learning, life, love, meditations of the heart, moonlight, prayer, relationship, responsibility, self-control, teaching, Thus a Child Learns, tone, tradition, vitality
Growing Apprehension in Life (1963-09-13); Human Life in Perspective (1964-05-22)
Tags: blind puppy, childhood, cities, clouds, darkness, desert, destruction, Earth, experience, George Washington, God, inward journey, Jane Steger, learning, leaves from a secret journal, light, meaning, New York, opener of the way, Pawling, permanence, potentiality, relationship, rhythm, scent, smell, twilight, universe, vision, womb
The Image of Perfection (1963-04-26); Angelos of God (1961-09-29)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects upon his…
Life Under the Scrutiny of God (1963-01-04); Order in the Totality of Life (1962-05-25)
Tags: aging, anxiety, darkness, dependability, dynamism, embodiment, event, friendship, harmony, illness, integration, inward journey, life, light, magic, meaning, meditations of the heart, order, psalmist, quiet, rebirth, reconciliation, relationship, restoration, Russia, solitude, tension, United States, urgency, vitality, wisdom, year
Supportive Order Inherent in Life (1963-05-17); For Love's Sake (1958-05-30)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects upon a poem from Eugene V. Debs, speaking…
Tags: belonging, contagion, creation, creativity, ecology, Eugene V. Debs, experience, fellowship, harmony, healing, heart, interconnectivity, inward journey, love, order, organism, Paul, Philippians, poetry, relationship, security, society, synchronization, synthesis, tentacles of time, unity, vulnerability, wholeness, will