Browse Items (14 total)
- Tags: prayer
The Child and Religious Meaning (1964-01-24); Our Children Are Not Our Things (1963-11-01)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman utilizes Frederick J. Moffitt's "Thus A Child Learns," as a point of departure for his liturgy for the devotion of a child. Thurman notes that it is the "birthright" of every child to be given the tools "define for them what it is that they are seeking and where they may find it."
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects from his text, "Meditations of the Heart," to "think about children and our…
Tags: behavior, belonging, children, community, creativity, curiosity, dedication, dependability, development, developmental psychology, divan, experience, faith, family, Frederick J. Moffitt, furniture, genuine, goodness, habits, home, imagination, influence, intention, learning, life, love, meditations of the heart, moonlight, prayer, relationship, responsibility, self-control, teaching, Thus a Child Learns, tone, tradition, vitality
Jesus, His Contribution (1963-03-01); The Triumphant Entry (1964-03-20)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects upon his writing within "The Inward Journey." In this reflection, he gives a…
Tags: christology, donkey, experience, fact, family, flowers, heart, historical Jesus, holiday, hope, ideal, inward journey, Jesus of Nazareth, kingdom, lent, longing, love, ministry, palms, prayer, process, prophet, quest, reflections, sanctification, spirit, story, synthesis, Triumphant Entry
Resistance to the Social Order (1962-04-20); Self Realization and Acceptance (1963-11-08)
In this recording within the We Believe series; Howard Thurman reads and reflects from his work, "The…
Tags: Bardoli, death, development, From Man to Man, Gandhi, George Cross, heart, Hinduism, inclusivism, India, individuality, Isolation, justice, life, mysticism, odyssey, Olive Schreiner, oppression, personalism, prayer, process, prosperity, protest, reality, resistance, satyagraha, spirituals, Telemachus, The Inward Journey, truth, universalism, Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?