Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: harmony
Man and Social Change, Part 2: Man and the Experience of Community, 1969 March 20
Man and Social Change, Part 2: Man and the Experience of Community (continued), 1969 March 20
On Mysticism, Part 2 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: death, deception, dualism, ecology, embodiment, epistemology, fact, freedom, harmony, India, integration, intellect, interconnectivity, Kabir, mind body, mystery, mystical union, mysticism, Nature of Mind, oneness, ontology, order, panentheism, personality, pragmatism, relationality, river, space binder, synthesis, Tagores University, temporality, time binder, transcendent reality, universal truth
On Mysticism, Part 3 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: A.E. Hotchner, Alexander Pope, aliveness, awareness, common ground, communication, creation, dualism, ecology, George Cross, gorilla, harmony, journey, myths, Papa Hemingway, pathology, Plato, polar bear, potentiality, prayer, priest, racial memory, rattlesnake, Ringling Brothers, sanctification, self-consciousness, sovereignty, substance, theodicy, Thomas More, time binder, utopia, vulgarity, warthogs
A Faith to Live By, Part 4: Man, 1952 October 5
Tags: alternative, freedom, harmony, imagination, man, order, spirit
Life Under the Scrutiny of God (1963-01-04); Order in the Totality of Life (1962-05-25)
Tags: aging, anxiety, darkness, dependability, dynamism, embodiment, event, friendship, harmony, illness, integration, inward journey, life, light, magic, meaning, meditations of the heart, order, psalmist, quiet, rebirth, reconciliation, relationship, restoration, Russia, solitude, tension, United States, urgency, vitality, wisdom, year
Supportive Order Inherent in Life (1963-05-17); For Love's Sake (1958-05-30)
In this recording within the We Believe Series; Howard Thurman reflects upon a poem from Eugene V. Debs, speaking…
Tags: belonging, contagion, creation, creativity, ecology, Eugene V. Debs, experience, fellowship, harmony, healing, heart, interconnectivity, inward journey, love, order, organism, Paul, Philippians, poetry, relationship, security, society, synchronization, synthesis, tentacles of time, unity, vulnerability, wholeness, will