Disciples of Christ Retreat, Lecture 2, 1971 July 24


Thurman continues his discussion on the dynamics of commitment in this second lecture of the Disciples of Christ Retreat collection. Thurman begins with a number of readings that allude to the ways in which we often find our hearts and minds divided, and how commitment at our very center might bring unity and wholeness to our lives. In resonance with the first lecture, Thurman says that there can be no sense of self if we cannot experience our minds as our own minds. We must have confidence in the integrity of our own thoughts. Surrender and commitment to God is process by which one gives a yes in one's deepest place – a decision that cannot belong to anyone else. By giving ourselves to God in this way our lives are returned to us and reclaimed from the self-alienation that we once suffered.

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This Item is continued in Item: Disciples of Christ Retreat, Lecture 2 (continued), 1971 July 24
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