Disciples of Christ Retreat, Lecture 1, 1971 July 23


In this first lecture of the Disciples of Christ Retreat collection, Thurman discusses the dynamics of commitment. We are given life, but what is it that we shall give our lives to? Thurman insists that this is a question we all must eventually answer. What we stake our lives on determines the quality of our lives. Thurman says that it takes a great challenge to lift us up from the monotonous ruts we find ourselves in. Commitment to a single end energizes our lives and sparks growth in us. Such dedication can bring freedom and empowerment to our inner lives even as our external circumstances remain stagnant. It is through great commitment that we reclaim our bodies as our own, and fulfill our senses of self.

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This Item is continued in Item: Disciples of Christ Retreat, Lecture 1 (continued), 1971 July 23
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