Everyone should be given the chance to be born again, Thurman says. We live in a dynamic universe that is not standing still, nor anything in it. Life is always bursting forth from life, renewing itself again and again. And yet, human beings crave stability and certainty, for this is where we find our security. Thurman briefly meditates on the Book of Revelation, and the image of a new Heaven and a new Earth: "Heaven is a place where God dwells. And this daring, lonely dreamer on the island said, there shall come a time when the old Heaven cannot hold God, and there has to be a new Heaven." Thurman suggests that perhaps even ultimates can grow. We must resist the urge to put ceilings over God, others, and ourselves, for this is to imprison them in the categories of our minds, taking away their chance to be new. Thurman says life is not finished with any of us, even if we may be finished with life – because God is a part of life, and as long as life is alive, life cannot die.Item Relations
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