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- Tags: creative encounter
On Mysticism, Part 4 (University of Redlands Course), 1973
Tags: aestheticism, angel, creative encounter, ecology, Elmer O'Brian, failure, George Fox, giveness, Gospel of John, Holt Rinehart, inner light, interelatedness, Israel, Jacob, life, manifestations of life, Meister Eckhart, natural religion, Old Testament, Olive Schreiner, panentheism, pantheism, potential, presence, reading, roses, sacrament, Saint Paul, spiritual exercise, totality of experience, ultimate, unity, Varieties of Mystic Religion
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 1 and 2, Side A
Tags: aliveness, Anglican Church, being seen, Browne Barr, calling, choice, commitment, community, creative encounter, creativity, ecology, experience, Fellowship Church, Howard University, identity, imago dei, inner self, integrity of life, Isolation, Kansas, knowing, League of Women Voters, love, Love Boat, Minneapolis, New Mexico, Oak Tree, Olive Schreiner, oneness, order, passkey, religious experience, room with no doors, San Francisco Seminary, scent on one's trail, self-actualization, South Africa, South Dakota, Sue Bailey Thurman, teaching, vitality, Yale Divinity School
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 1 and 2, Side B
Tags: Albert Schweitzer, Brooklyn, calling, conversation, Cornell University, creative encounter, doctrine, dynamism, historical Jesus, John R. Mott, journey, life feeding upon life, light, meaning making, meaning of life, meditation, Meister Eckhart, mind, mysticism, Oak Tree, oyster bed, Quakers, religious experience, Rufus Jones, San Francisco, swamp, tape recorder
Conversations with Howard Thurman, September 1980, Parts 7 and 8, Side B
Tags: autonomy, awareness, blame, center, consciousness, consent, creative encounter, decision, ecology, education, fate, freedom, grace, hope, Hunchback of Notre Dame, hunger, integrity, Jesus Christ, judgement, karma, kill your savior, older sister, original sin, predestination, quest, religious experience, responsibility, river, Robin, savior, scent, sentimentality, sing your own song, spring, time bound, veto, Victor Hugo, vitality, vulnerability, world religions